We told you about why your business should build a presence on Pinterest and now it’s gotten a whole lot more important. That’s because Pinterest is no longer invite-only, opening the floodgates to the masses. AGBeat has a great post about why this is important.

“Pinterest’s referral growth surpassed Twitter’s and StubmleUpon’s last month, and we have gone into great detail about the rise of the visual web, with Pinterest poised to dominate the movement.
Pinterest has a strong female user base in America, so users find themselves turned off before they realize they can build their own network of like minds. Take Great Britain for example, where there are more men on Pinterest than women, and the most popular topic is venture capital. Go figure.
Removing the wait period and the “invitation only” barrier that can turn some users off will likely give the social network a boost. We have seen brands using the site creatively, and individuals standing out with projects like soliciting employers, for example.
The more users that join the network, the more value brands will see in Pinterest, so we expect that more brands will latch on. Early adopters will continue that use the network well and creatively will continue to have the upper hand.
If you haven’t already, this is a great time to get started on Pinterest. Be sure to check out our tips to help you get on your way to expert pinning)