Quick tips on Facebook page marketing

If online marketing is important for your business, hopefully you are already taking advantage of the growing trend of social networks such as Facebook. Businesses that want to attract potential clients, not only locally but globally, consider social networks like Facebook to be goldmines.

Facebook offers a unique feature that other similar social networks don’t. The ability to efficiently market your product or service on the internet. To be more specific, it’s called your business page newsfeed. If you set up your privacy settings to allow it, you can announce, post, or broadcast anything you’d like. Your news feed is displayed on your page like articles structured in mini posts. These news feeds can be personal or business oriented.

Since your newsfeed is intertwined with everyone else’s in your network, some people don’t believe in using this feature. Personally, I think this Facebook feature helps in letting people know what you’re up to at a quick glance. You never know who is watching, and it just could be a potential client. People are continually signing in to Facebook at different hours of the day and/or night, your newsfeed info is all about timing.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you’re trying to get a grasp on the news feed feature, and it’s potential power to market to a business product or service. By keeping the following tips in mind, you will accomplish the goal of people in your network viewing it, as well sparking the curiosity of the people in their network.

1. Make Your Fan Page More Interesting

I’m sure you have already done so if you’re reading this article, but just incase you haven’t, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a Facebook profile. Existing subscribers cannot add you into their network if you don’t have a profile, and vice versa. Take some time to complete your profile page and make it look interesting. No one wants to see a stale page with nothing interesting to view.

2. Create Events

Create an event and post it in the news feed section. This sparks interest within your network, and if your event seems interesting enough and worth their time, people in their network will want to be included in the fun as well. This is a really great way to promote your product and/or services.

3. Pictures and Videos

Share funny and/or interesting videos or pics to your network. Once people are drawn to your page to have a look at those, they are more likely to look around your page which means they will see your product or services without feeling forced. This is a clever way to promote your business.

4. News Articles

Post news articles that contain information related to your products. This also generates traffic and sparks interest in what it is you are offering. If you are selling sports related products, then post the latest front page sports article. When at all possible, post direct links to articles on your site.

5. Posts on Friends Pages

Posting comments on other people’s page within your network is another attention grabber. Especially if you are clever with the topic and your wording. This draws people in to get a closer look at your page and what you’re all about.

These are just a few quick tips to help you with your Facebook marketing ventures. By following them I can assure you that you will generate traffic. Just be creative and clever with how you present yourself, and have fun with all the great tools Facebook has to offer to help you achieve your marketing goals.

About Lucid Crew

Affordable web design, social media & content marketing for small businesses. The Internet is the largest marketplace in the world, so it's never been more important for a business to be found online. With Lucid Crew's digital marketing solutions, you will attract and engage prospects, create leads, and drive new web traffic.






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